Live animals
Draft Law "On Animal Health". Language(s): Albanian. Number of pages: 210
This law defines the rules for the prevention and control of animal diseases that are transmissible to animals or humans.
This law aims to determine:
(a) the organization according to the priorities of the classification of diseases and the definition of responsibilities in the field of animal health (Part I: Articles 1 to 17);
(b) timely detection, notification and reporting of diseases, surveillance, eradication programs and disease-free status (Part II: Articles 18 to 42);
(c) awareness, preparation and disease control (Part III: Articles 43 to 83);
(d) registration and approval of establishments and transporters, movements and traceability of animals, reproductive material and products of animal origin within the territory of Albania (Part IV: Articles 84 to 228; and Part VI: Articles 244 to 248 and 251 to 255);
(e) the entry of animals, reproductive material and products of animal origin into Albania and their export from Albania (Part V: Articles 229 to 243; and Part VI: Articles 244 to 246 and 251 to 255);
(f) movements for non-commercial purposes of companion animals entering or leaving the country, from another country or its territory (Part VI: Articles 244 to 255);
(g) emergency measures to be taken in the event of an emergency situation relating to a disease (Part VII: Articles 256 to 261).
Draft Law "On Animal Health Law" is approximated with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health ('Animal Health Law').