Obligation to record and report quantities of antibiotic consumed for the so-called stages 2 and 3 ofRegulation (EU) 2019/6. A provision on the dispatch of prescription-only veterinary medicinal products is alsoincluded.
Draft Act amending the Veterinary Medicinal Products Act and the Pharmacies Act
The Draft Act provides for the following:
- Inclusion of new provisions for the collection of veterinary antibiotic data in accordance with Regulation (EU)2019/6 for sheep, goats, geese, ducks and other food-producing animals (‘stage 2’) and for minks and foxeskept as fur animals (‘stage 3’)
- Adaptation of existing provisions of the TAMG regarding the collection of veterinary antibiotic data for dogsand cats to the EU data format (so-called ‘early stage 3’)
- new regulations concerning the dispatch of veterinary medicinal products by veterinarians to the owners ofthe animals they treat.
- amendment of the legal basis for the adoption of a future Veterinary Medicinal Products Price Ordinance
- Amendment of the Pharmacy Act