RO Romania
  • I10 - Metrology

The project concerns the inclusion of thermal-mass gas meters in the category of measuring instrumentssubject to legal metrological control in Romania, lays down the rules for legal metrological control (periodicmetrological inspection, i.e. checking)

Draft amending and supplementing Order No 77/2022 of the Director-General of the Romanian Bureau ofLegal Metrology approving the official list of measuring instruments subject to legal metrological control LO –2022.

The project concerns the inclusion of thermal-mass gas meters in the category of measuring instrumentssubject to legal metrological control in Romania, lays down the rules for legal metrological control (periodicmetrological inspection, i.e. metrological inspection after repair or modification) and the periodicity of carryingout legal metrological control by means of periodic metrological inspection.