NL Netherlands

Products, namely motor vehicles with a maximum speed not exceeding 25 km/h, equipped with an electricmotor with a maximum continuous rated power of not more than 4 kW (no European-type approval and nodisabled vehicle).

Decree amending the Regulation on the registration and licence-number obligation of special mopeds

Article I(A) of this draft Decree may contain a technical regulation. This concerns the obligation to display aregistration number on special mopeds in the Netherlands.

In the Netherlands, it is mandatory to display a registration number on motor vehicles. This obligation does notcurrently apply (inter alia) to motor vehicles with a maximum design speed not exceeding 25 km/h, equippedwith an electric motor with a maximum continuous rated power of not more than 4 kW, other than a disabledvehicle, which does not require type-approval in accordance with European Union requirements (specialmopeds). Those vehicles are excluded from the registration requirement. This draft Decree removes thatexception.
Special mopeds must therefore display a registration number after the entry into force of this Decree. Thisdoes not apply to special mopeds in international traffic coming from a country where the registration number isnot indicated for those vehicles. Special mopeds coming from a country for which a registration number hasbeen indicated is subject to mutual recognition (Article 37(1)(b) of the 1994 Road Traffic Act).