HU Hungary
  • C50A - Foodstuffs

Meat products and certain meat preparations

Draft Decree amending Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development Decree No 152/2009 of 12 November 2009 on the mandatory requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus

The draft decree amending Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development Decree No 152/2009 of 12November 2009 on the mandatory requirements of the Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus updates the provisionsof the Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus regarding meat products and certain meat preparations.

There is a need for clarification on a number of provisions related to the production of meat products. Anumber of products or product groups are affected by the amendment of the particle size regulation, whichgives producers greater flexibility in product design.
The method for calculating the meat content has been regulated in a non-binding guideline up to now.Incorporating this into legislation will provide greater legal certainty. These provisions provide industry and theauthority with guidance on the calculation of the meat content declared on meat products and take into accountthe characteristics of the raw materials and technologies used.