Subject: a basis for delegation to lay down, by Ministerial Regulation, more detailed rules on the prescriptionof standard packaging for cigars and electronic vaping products.
Amendment to the Tobacco and Smoking Products Decree in connection with standard packaging for cigarsand electronic vaping products.
The amendment to the Tobacco and Smoking Products Decree aims to supplement a legal basis onstandard packaging for cigars and electronic vaping products in order to lay down further packagingrequirements in a Ministerial Regulation. Upon this basis, standard packaging for cigars and electronic vapingproducts shall be prescribed in a Ministerial Regulation. This Regulation is currently under preparation andshall be notified as soon as this is possible. This amendment to the Tobacco and Smoking Products Decreedoes not in itself lay down any technical requirements, but since the Decree shall lead to such requirementsbeing included in the Regulation, and the subject of neutral packaging is explained in both documents, theDecree is also notified for the sake of completeness.
This is in line with the system already in place for cigarettes and rolling tobacco (see current Article 3.4 of theTobacco and Smoking Products Decree and the effect in Article 3.7 of the Tobacco and Smoking ProductsRegulation).
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) shall respect the principle of freemovement of goods and mutual recognition when supervising compliance with this national requirement.