BE Belgium
  • T20T - Sea and river transport and navigation on inland waterways

Specific means of detection and conditions for establishing offences and infringements as mentioned in theShipping Decree

Decree of the Flemish Government authorising specific means of detection and conditions for establishingoffences and infringements as mentioned in the Shipping Decree of 21 January 2022, and the regulationsimplementing the aforementioned Decree

The purpose of the present Decree is to implement Article 114 of the Shipping Decree and thus to allowspecific means of detection for establishing offences and infringements falling within the scope of the mattersgoverned by the Shipping Decree.

The draft Decree first identifies the technologies that can be used by such means of detection. In addition, theconditions under which such means of detection can be used are also laid down. Finally, for certaintechnologies, the second paragraph of Article 114 is also explicitly implemented, which provides that automaticdevices, insofar as they carry out measurements, are approved or validated in accordance with the modalitieslaid down by the Flemish Government.