RO Romania

The order lays down the obligation for economic operators who sell on shelf products intended forconsumption in sales outlets to inform consumers completely, correctly and accurately about changes inproduct quantities by reducing the volume

Order on consumer information on the marketing of pre-packaged products whose volume or weight hasbeen reduced

In order to ensure a high level of consumer protection and the proper functioning of the internal market, thisOrder regulates aspects relating to the direct and indirect protection of consumers against market failures withrepercussions for them by informing them of certain commercial practices involving a reduction in the volumeor weight of a product while maintaining the same price.

The order lays down the obligation for economic operators who sell on shelf products intended forconsumption in sales outlets to inform consumers completely, correctly and accurately about changes in thequantities of products by reducing their volume or weight, having the same presentation, packaging and shape,without limitation, while maintaining the same price. The order does not apply to distance selling.
Economic operators shall ensure that the reference unit price exists at the place of marketing where they applythe change in volume or weight of the product.
Where the economic operator offers for sale a pre-packaged product whose volume or weight has beenreduced, he is under an obligation to inform consumers of the fact that the volume or weight of the product hasbeen altered even though the same selling price exists.
The information shall be made in the same visual field in a visible, legible form by using, by economicoperators, the message on the placard provided for in the Annex to the Order.
The information obligation laid down in Article 2 shall apply for a period of at least 30 days from the date onwhich the product of reduced volume or weight is placed on the shelf.