SE Sweden
  • N20E - Electricity

Electricity meters, current transformers and voltage transformers.

Regulations amending the Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment’s Regulations (STAFS 2022:9) on measuring systems for measuring transmitted electricity

The draft regulations extend the scope of application to include the allocation of guarantees of origin in thenon-concession-regulated network. The amendment introduces requirements for the inspection of electricitymeters and measuring systems used to measure electricity generated in an electricity generation plant thatfeeds electricity into an electricity network that is not covered by network concessions for electricity generatorsreceiving an allocation of guarantees of origin. Under the draft regulations, the owner of such a generationplant must ensure that electricity meters and the measuring system undergo inspection as laid down in thedraft.

The draft relates to inspection of in-service measuring systems and in some cases to inspection whenmeasuring systems are being put into service. Such inspection shall be carried out by an inspection bodyaccredited for the task under Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.The draft regulations also contain certain requirements for measuring systems and there is no mutualrecognition clause for these requirements. This is because some electricity meters are covered by theMeasuring Instruments Directive (2014/32/EU) and the draft does not contain specific requirements for otherelectricity meters and transformers. Instead, the requirements for other electricity meters and transformersrelate to the fact that the measuring system included in these electricity meters and transformers must, as awhole, meet certain measurement accuracy requirements. Any meters and transformers may be used as longas the required measurement accuracy is met. There are also requirements for recording measured valuesand adaptation. Any measuring system that meets the requirements for recording measured values andadaptation is accepted.