BG Bulgaria
  • B30 - Environment
  • I10 - Metrology

Introducing national requirements for metrological control of types of measuring instruments outside thescope of the EU harmonised legislation.

Draft Regulation on measuring instruments subject to metrological control

The new Draft Regulation on measuring instruments subject to metrological control aims to align nationallegislation to the requirements of the harmonised European legislation in the field of metrology, which allowed,during a transitional period, national requirements to be applied to measuring instruments with valid type-approval certificates. After 30.10.2016, these national requirements contradict the harmonised Europeanlegislation and should be abolished. Amendments are foreseen in relation to amended international standardsand recommendations of the International Organization of Legal Metrology with regard to the technical andmetrological requirements or methods of verification of certain measuring instruments. A procedure is providedfor the application of Regulation (EU) 2019/515 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mutualrecognition of goods lawfully marketed in another Member State as regards measuring instruments which aresubject to controls under national law and are not subject to the harmonised European legislation. The draftalso lays down the procedure for carrying out metrological expertise on measuring instruments.

Introducing metrological control of national metrological control requirements for types of measuringinstruments outside the scope of the harmonised EU legislation is envisaged. It is also foreseen that theinformation on the inspections carried out by BIM can be in the form of a two-dimensional (2D) barcode (QRcode). The use of the single QR code system for access to the metrological control carried out, which willensure the provision of a larger amount of information about a given measuring instrument and its metrologicalcharacteristics.