IT Italy

Heating systems for civil buildings with a capacity of less than 3 MW fuelled by diesel oil, or kerosene andother oil distillates and their emulsions, or biodiesel, or biomass fuels

Amendment to the air quality regulation of the Municipality of Milan

On November 19, 2020, the Municipality of Milan approved its own air quality regulation (Municipal CouncilDecision No 56) as a means of reducing local emissions of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. Areas ofaction also include promoting the renovation of heating systems for civilian use where they are powered byfuels characterized by high air emissions. Following judgement No 09669/2022 of the Council of State, whichstates that the Municipality should proceed with this technical rule verification, Article 3 has been annulled. Forthe purpose of reinstating the annulled regulations under Article 3 of the current regulation concerning certaintypes of thermal plants, duly updated, this notification request is hereby sent. The proposal to reinstate Article3, paragraphs 1/2/3/5, which is the subject of this request, suggests to prohibit the installation of new heatingsystems for civil buildings with a capacity of less than 3 MW fuelled by diesel oil, or kerosene and other oildistillates and their emulsions, or biodiesel, or biomass fuels. It is also proposed that the above types ofexisting heating systems be phased out, with time frames varying according to fuel type and where technicallyfeasible.