GB United Kingdom

The new guidance will apply to work subject to Part F (Conservation of fuel and power) of the Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008 (as amended), but the amendments will apply principally to the erection of a building.

Amendment of Technical Booklet guidance to Part F (Conservation of fuel and power) of the Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008 (as amended).

The new guidance includes amendments providing —

i) improved limiting/minimum insulation standards for individual elements of new buildings
ii) encouragement of air tightness testing and removal of guidance enabling certain new small buildings or single dwelling sites to avoid air tightness testing
iii) requirements for a 'betterment' of the previous emissions performance requirments for new buildings
iv) other minor clarifications around renewables exporting to the grid, thermal bridging assessment and clarification of previous text.
Further background, consultation information and considerations can be found at