NL Netherlands
  • C10A - Fishing


Decree amending the Decree designating maritime areas and coastal waters 1970 and the Regulation on Minimum Sizes and Seasonal Closures 1985 to apply updates to these regulations

A new Article 2(3) is now added. This article contains a technical regulation. The article now reads:
Any provisions on time periods set or referenced in or by virtue of the Regulation on Maritime and Coastal Fisheries 1977 [Reglement zee- en kustvisserij 1977] shall also apply to fish caught in the waters referred to in Article 1(4)(d) of the Fisheries Act 1963 [Visserijwet 1963], and paragraph 2 shall apply accordingly.

A new paragraph is now added to Article 2 of the Regulation on Minimum Sizes and Seasonal Closures 1985 [Reglement minimummaten en gesloten tijden 1985]. This states that any provisions on time periods set or referenced in or by virtue of the Regulation on Maritime and Coastal Fisheries 1977 shall also apply to fish caught in the waters referred to in Article 1(4)(d) of the Fisheries Act 1963 [Visserijwet 1963]. The release obligation from Article 2(2), and thus also the protection regime of the Fisheries Act 1963, now apply accordingly to the latter waters (inland waterways).

A mutual recognition clause is not necessary. As no products are traded, no products are placed onto to market for subsequent recognition.