IS Iceland

Range of goods and procurement of alcoholic beverages by duty-free.

Regulation on the range of goods and procurement of alcoholic beverages by duty-free shops.

(Icelandic: Reglugerð um vöruval og innkaup tollfrjálsra verslana á áfengi.)

The Regulation ensures equality and transparency in the range of goods and procurement of alcoholic beverages by duty-free shops in Iceland. The scope of the Regulation covers the range of goods and procurement of alcoholic beverages by duty-free stores in which the State, municipalities or enterprises owned by them hold a majority ownership. The Regulation covers applications for trade in and sale of alcoholic beverages through a duty-free shop, range of goods offered, sales performance, prices, price changes, purchase price offers, presentations and special offers. The Regulation also covers etc. requirements for goods, quality of goods, shelf life, defective goods and both returns and delivery of stock.

Other Rules from Duty Free Iceland Ltd. will also take effect at the same time as this Regulation and two of them will be notified parallel to this notification, i.e. Rules governing the trading and sale of alcoholic beverages and Rules governing the delivery of goods, change of goods and change of prices.
Keywords: Alcohol, duty-free, procurement and range of goods.