RO Romania
  • T40T - Urban and road transport

Products and operating materials used in road vehicles other than those subject to EU type-approval or UN approval.

Order of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure amending Order No 2135/2005 of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Tourism approving the Regulations on the approval and certification of products and operating materials used in road vehicles and the conditions for their placing on the market — RNTR 4

Those regulations provide for:

a) the requirements to be met by manufacturers, manufacturers’ representatives, importers, and distributors of products and operating materials used in road vehicles in order to be able to obtain their certification;
b) the requirements to be met by economic operators for the authorisation of processes of partitioning and packaging of operating materials certified by the Romanian Auto Registry;
c) the list of products and operating materials that require certification in order to be places on the market or made available on the market in Romania;
d) the conditions for placing on the market or making available on the market in Romania of products and operating materials exempted from the certification procedure under Government Order No 80/2000 on the approval and certification of products and operating materials used in road vehicles for the placing on the market or making available on the market in Romania, as well as their market surveillance, approved by Law No 671/2002, as amended.

In relation to the MTCT Order No 2.135/2005, the proposed amendment mainly includes the repealing of the provisions relating to the approval of products used in road vehicles, the amendment of the list of products and operating materials subject to certification, and the introduction of the procedures by which the exemption from the certification requirement may be applied.