SE Sweden
  • T40T - Urban and road transport

Passenger cars, buses, lorries and trailers towed by such vehicles and put into service on or after 1 July 2010

Regulations amending the Swedish Transport Agency’s regulations and general recommendations (TSFS 2016:22) on cars and trailers towed by cars and put into service on or after 1 July 2010

Detailed provisions on the condition and equipment of vehicles in accordance with the Vehicles Ordinance (2009:211), the Exhaust Gas Cleaning Ordinance (2011:345) and the Ordinance (1993:1067) on electromagnetic compatibility.

The regulations shall apply to
1. vehicles put into service on or after 1 July 2010, and
2. in connection with national type-approval of vehicles manufactured in small series and individual approval of vehicles.
The regulations shall apply to passenger cars, buses, lorries and trailers for such vehicles, except for
1. amateur-built and converted vehicles pursuant to Chapter 41, § 1 of the Swedish Transport Agency’s regulations and general recommendations (TSFS 2013:63) on cars and trailers towed by cars,
2. standard rally cars pursuant to Chapter 42, §§ 1 and 2 of the Swedish Transport Agency’s regulations and general recommendations (TSFS 2013:63) on cars and trailers towed by cars, and
3. vehicles which, pursuant to §§ 7-9 of the Act (2019:370) on the registration and use of vehicles, are exempt from registration.