NO Norway

Electronic Health Record (EHR) related products for the Norwegian Health and Care Services. Standards for messages between organizations in the health and care sector, for use in electronic health record systems.

In Norwegian: Forskrift om endring i forskrift om IKT-standarder i helse og omsorgstjenesten og reseptformidlerforskriften

In English: Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations for the use of ICT standards in the health and care services and the Regulations relating to the ePrescriptions Database

The Ministry of Health and Care Services is proposing amendments to the Regulations of 1 July 2015, no. 853 for the use of ICT standards in the health and care services. The proposed amendments relate to the title of the Regulations, statutory objective, expansion of legal basis to also include the Personal Health Data Filing System Act, additional mandatory standards etc. The proposal also includes amendments to the Regulations relating to the ePrescriptions Database.

For further information on the actual standards for each message please see the attached amandments or consult https://ehelse.no/standarder