NO Norway
  • T20T - Sea and river transport and navigation on inland waterways

Helicopter decks on board mobile offshore units (construction).

Regulations on helicopter decks on mobile offshore units.

The draft technical regulations shall apply to Norwegian flagged mobile offshore units. The regulations will repeal regulation of 15 January 2008 No. 72 concerning helicopter decks on mobile offshore units.

Most of the amendments harmonises the national regulation concerning helicopter decks and helicopter services on board Norwegian flagged MOU’s with the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway's (CAA Norway) regulation "Regulations relating to helicopter aviation – use of offshore helidecks". Chapter 9 is developed by the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA).
The NMA is proposing the following new requirements:
- § 23 adjustments of the requirements for obstacle-free sector on units with ship`s hull
- § 24 (4) back-up wind cone
- § 29 marking of obstacles and legs on jack-up
- § 30 (1) it should be possible to close the access routes
- § 31 (1 b.) changes in the luminous intensity from at least 25 to 30 candela
- § 31 (5) status lights (ref. MODU code)
- § 38 (1) changes from 5,5 litre of foam solution to 6 litre regarding what the foam system shall be capable of supplying per min. per sq.m of the area of the helicopter deck
- § 44 (5) when the fuel distribution facilities is located above the accommodation the surfaces on the accommodation which can be exposed for hydrocarbon-fire shall be isolated with minimum A60 rated isolation.

Several of the new requirements is based on excisting practise in the industry.