CZ Czech Republic
  • S20E - Waste


Draft Implementing Decree on details of the management of waste

The document being considered is a measure implementing the new Waste Act. This document is, to a certain extent, based on legislation already in force; this legislation, however, will be repealed by the new Waste Act. At the same time, this document responds to new provisions introduced by the new Waste Act.

The following are the key areas addressed by the provisions in the document being considered:
- certain requirements for waste management facilities and for the operation of these facilities,
- transmission of data on waste in the context of waste collection by schools,
- certain technical conditions for the gathering of waste,
- details on the use of waste for backfilling,
- the conditions subject to which waste generated when treating separately gathered municipal waste may be handed over for energy recovery and disposal,
- details on the landfilling of waste,
- details on shipments and cross-border shipments of waste,
- certain requirements for data on waste, basic description of waste, keeping of continuous records and reporting,
- details on the management of municipal waste,
- details on the management of hazardous waste,
- details relating to selected metal waste,
- details on the management of demolition materials generated by the removal, construction or maintenance of structures,
- details on the management of biodegradable waste,
- details on community composting,
- details on the management of sludges,
- details on the management of polychlorinated biphenyls,
- details on the management of waste mercury,
- details on the management of waste oil,
- details on the management of medicines from households.

Keywords: waste