LT Lithuania

Products related to tobacco products*

*Products related to tobacco products are: electronic cigarettes, their refill containers, and herbal products for smoking.

Draft Law No XIIIP-3903(2) on the amendment of Articles 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16(1), 17(1), 21, 22, 25 and 26, and repealing Article 16(2) of Law No I-1143 on control of tobacco, its products and other related products

The draft Law seeks to:

1. Introduce licensing for the production of, and retail and wholesale trade in products related to tobacco products;

2. Establish restrictions on types of retail outlets where, and on methods by which, products related to tobacco products may be sold, e.g.

introduce a prohibition against the sale of products related to tobacco products from vending machines, as well as at stores, newsstands and other retail outlets where 50 per cent or more of turnover is derived from children's goods, also at pharmaceutical companies, healthcare, educational and cultural establishments, and at internet cafés (internet clubs, etc.);

3. Raise fines for infringements of the prohibitions against the remote sale of products related to tobacco products and against their sale to minors.

It is the expectation that these measures will aid in limiting the accessibility (especially to minors) of products related to tobacco products.