ES Spain
  • S80E - Greenhouse gases or gases that deplete the ozone layer

Affects large and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 that conduct all or part of their activities in the Balearic Islands

Decree governing the Carbon Footprint Registry of the Balearic Islands and other obligations relating to reducing emissions

This Decree originates from the need to develop the Carbon Footprint Registry created in Law 10/2019 of 22 February 2019 on climate change and energy transition in the Balearic Islands, intended to facilitate compliance with the international objectives to combat climate change assumed by the Spanish Government, to respond to the Agreement of 15 September 2017 whereby the Governing Council of the Balearic Islands agreed to adhere to the objectives and guidelines of the Paris Agreement of the United Nations, and to foster the necessary autonomous policies for adapting the territory and the economic sectors of the Balearic Islands to the impacts of climate change.