DE Germany
  • B10 - Construction materials

Correction regarding regulations for the use of recycled aggregates in concrete in accordance with DIN EN 2061 in connection with DIN 1045-2.

Correction of the German Committee for Structural Concrete guideline ‘Concrete in accordance with DIN EN 206-1 and DIN 1045-2 with recycled aggregates in accordance with DIN EN 12620’, February 2020 draft

The correction adjusts the classification of recycled aggregates in alkali reactivity classes to be in accordance with the German Committee for Structural Concrete guideline ‘Precautions against harmful alkali reactions in concrete’.

Furthermore, the August 2017 edition contains both parts 101 and 102 of standard DIN 4226, which contain the regulations for providing evidence of environmental compatibility. Both standards were referenced in the correction.