SK Slovak Republic
  • S10E - Packaging

packaging, containers used for the packaging of products

Draft Act amending Act No 79/2015 on waste and on amendments to certain acts, as amended, and amending certain acts

The draft Act transposes the following definitions of some terms from the Packaging Directive into Act No 79/2015 on waste and on amendments to certain acts (hereinafter the ‘Waste Act’): ‘oxo-degradable plastic bag’ and ‘voluntary agreement’, which have not yet been transposed into national legislation. A new definition of ‘composite packaging’ is added, which is the transposition of Article 1(2)(c)(2b) of Directive (EU) 2018/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018. Annex 3, Part III of the draft Act incorporates new recovery and recycling objectives stipulated in the Packaging Directive. The existing objective for the recycling of metal packaging is split into separate objectives for two groups of waste, ferrous metals and aluminium, as the recycling of aluminium increases energy savings and reduces CO2 emissions. In comparison with the current Act, the definitions of ‘very lightweight plastic bag’ and ‘reusable packaging’ are changed. Measures to reduce the quantity of lightweight plastic bags in § 54(5) of the Waste Act are made more stringent.