NL Netherlands

The Environment order [Omgevingsregeling] sets out rules that are needed to apply the Environment Act [Omgevingswet] and the four associated general administrative regulations (GARs), i.e. the Environmental activities decree [Besluit activiteiten leefomgeving], the Environmental structures decree [Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving], the Environmental quality decree [Besluit kwaliteit leefomgeving] and the Environmental decree [Omgevingsbesluit].

Order of the Minister for the Interior and Kingdom Relations setting out rules on the protection and use of the physical living environment (the Environment order)

The Environment order is part of the modernised environmental law framework.

The Environment order contains rules on the methods for government agencies to perform their tasks and duties in the area of the environment, water, construction, space, cultural heritage, nature and infrastructure. This includes rules on methods for measurements and calculations for taking decisions around environmental planning and the assessment of environment permits. The Order also includes the designation and boundaries of sites and rules on procedural aspects and formal requirements for statutory instruments relevant to all parties: governments, businesses and citizens. The Order also contains rules set by the State on activities with a potential adverse impact on the physical living environment. This mainly concerns environmentally harmful activities, water activities and activities with respect to structures. These rules are related to implementation, involve the implementation, administration and measurement and calculation provisions and pertain to citizens, businesses and governments in the role of initiative-taker. The Environment order elaborates and supplements the rules in the Environment Act and the 4 GARs (see point 6) in further detail.

Many provisions in the draft Order contain possible technical regulations.

This Order contains a mutual recognition clause (Article 1.3).