PL Poland
  • SERV - SERVICES 98/48/CE

The draft Act will affect moneylending services supplied by electronic means, i.e. it may generate an increased interest in and popularity of loans granted in relations between interested natural persons without the use of a financial institution as an intermediary, including with the use of special web-portals. It should be noted that the draft Act may in practice affect moneylending services supplied by electronic means.

Draft Act amending certain acts in order to prevent usury (UD145)

The draft Act amending certain acts in order to prevent usury (UD145), to the extent that it includes provisions subject to notification, provides for the supplementation of currently existing national regulations on usury prevention.

The draft Act is subject to notification to the European Commission as it contains technical provisions within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical regulations and of rules on Information Society services. The draft Act will affect moneylending services supplied by electronic means, i.e. it may generate an increased interest in and popularity of loans granted in relations between interested natural persons without the use of a financial institution as an intermediary, including with the use of special web-portals. It should be noted that the draft Act may in practice affect moneylending services supplied by electronic means.