AT Austria

Primary products and food

Guidelines on quality and origin for partner companies - Guidelines for agricultural direct marketers

The AMA Quality Guideline ‘Guidelines on quality and origin for partner companies - Guidelines for agricultural direct marketers’ establishes a transparent quality programme for agricultural direct marketers based on product quality, short supply chains with regional ingredients and raw materials/ingredients which can be traced back to their origin as well as independent inspections.

Farm-produced, traditional or specialities typical to the region should be offered. The food must comply with the relevant guidelines related to the product laid down in the Austrian Food Code (an objective description of consumer expectations) or similar quality criteria of other Member States.

Partner companies with animal products must fulfil at least one of the three animal welfare criteria. As a basic principle, feed must originate from quality programmes, such as pastus+ and GMP+.

Unprocessed products such as fruit, vegetables and nuts must originate from the company. For processed products, materials/ingredients must originate primarily from the company itself and the product must be made in the company itself.

In the case of voluntary indication of origin, the main ingredient and all raw materials for which quantitative information (percentages) are specified must originate from the region given.

Participation in the Guidelines on quality and origin is voluntary. An agreement must be signed between the owner and AMA Marketing.