IT Italy

Fresh meat from local supply chain lamb/hogget

Draft Production Specifications for local supply chain lamb/hogget

The draft Production Specifications for local supply chain lamb/hogget applies to sheep born, bred and slaughtered within the same region, for the production of meat, giving indications on the choice of the breed, the breading system and the feeding. In addition, they include certain specifications and requirements concerning the production stages and activities performed by other operators in the supply chain (slaughtering, meat processing and labelling). Finally, it provides indications on the ‘Control System’.

Furthermore, in compliance with the procedures for drafting the specifications of the Guidelines, the following areas of intervention and the specific principles observed in the draft Specification are indicated, from which the requirements that will give the product a quality significantly higher than commercial standards in terms of animal health and welfare, protection of agro-biodiversity and genetic resources, environmental protection, and health of production are deduced and that the products in question bearing the quality mark will have specific characteristics different from those of a comparable product without a mark.