FR France

Shallots produced in France.

Draft Order extending an inter-branch agreement concluded within the Inter-branch Association of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Industry (INTERFEL) and relating to the size classification of shallots for the 2019 – 2021 marketing years

The purpose of the agreement is to limit the size of shallots intended for consumption both in France and in external markets. It sets the size of shallots at 55 mm and does not apply to those intended for processing.

This order is intended to make the rules set out in the inter-branch agreement compulsory on French territory. The aim of limiting the size of shallots is to avoid the marketing to consumers of large shallots, which keep for a shorter period and develop diseases and rot more quickly.

This agreement signed on 16 May 2018 is stipulated for three years, from 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021.

This notification relates to rules which, concerning the three-year agreement, will not change from now to the 2021 marketing year. It is therefore valid for 2019, 2020 and 2021.