IT Italy
  • B20 - Safety

Construction products, products and components of detection and alarm systems, smoke and heat control, extinguishers, firefighting lifts

Draft Ministerial Decree approving the technical fire safety standards for commercial activities involving the sale and display of goods on premises with a gross floor area of more than 400 m2, including service areas, storage areas and covered common areas within the meaning of Article 15 of Legislative Decree No 139 of 8 March 2006

The notified draft decree consists of four articles and one annex, specifically:

Article 1: approves the technical fire safety standards for the commercial activities listed in the annex;

Article 2: defines the scope;

Article 3: amends the Decree of 3 August 2015;

Article 4: establishes the final provisions.

Annex - Chapter V.8 Commercial activities: contains the vertical technical regulations on commercial activities, classified in relation to the usable floor area, the number of storeys and premises used for specific activities.