GB United Kingdom
  • T20T - Sea and river transport and navigation on inland waterways

This Code lays down domestic safety standards for the construction, equipment, manning and operation of small workboats that go to sea, to UK vessels wherever they may be, and to non-UK vessels in UK waters or operating from UK ports.

A small workboat is a vessel that:-

- under 24 metres in loadline length;

- carries no more than 12 passengers; and,

- may carry cargo;

- is in commercial use for purposes other than sport or pleasure, including a dedicated pilot boat

The Safety of Small Workboats and Pilot Boats – A Code of Practice Edition 2,

(also known as the Workboat Code Edition 2) ("WB2")

- The Workboat Code Edition 2 (WB2) applies to new vessels constructed on or after the date on which it comes into force (expected to be in the second half of 2018).

- WB2 is not retrospective for existing vessels holding valid certification.

- Such existing vessels may continue to be constructed and certificated in accordance with:-

a) the original 1998 Workboat Code (Edition 1);

b) Marine Guidance Note (MGN) 280; or,

c) the applicable "full" standards based on the requirements of relevant international conventions.

Following review and revision of the original standards, WB2 provides a robust, proportionate and up-to-date safety regime for small workboats, developed with industry stakeholders to meet the current needs of the varied and diverse group of vessels and operating environments encountered in this sector.

WB2 is a mandatory Code, and is underpinned by the UK Merchant Shipping (Small Workboats and Pilot Boats) Regulations 1998.