TW Taiwan
  • 55 - Verpackung, Transport
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging

Those foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging classified under 3 specific CCC codes

The measure notified as G/SPS/N/TPKM/569 on 8 July 2021, was promulgated on 6 October 2021, and will come into effect on 1 November 2021.

Commodities classified under three specific CCC codes shall follow the "Regulations of Inspection of Imported Foods and Related Products" if they are used for foods, food additives, food utensils, food containers or packaging. The importers shall apply for inspection to the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare.