PE Peru
  • 12 - Ölsaaten und ölhaltige Früchte; verschiedene Samen und Früchte; Pflanzen zum Gewerbe- oder Heilgebrauch; Stroh und Futter

Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) seed (HS code: 120991)

Proyecto de Resolución Directoral para el establecimiento de requisitos fitosanitarios de necesario cumplimiento en la importación de semilla de pimiento (Capsicum annuum) de origen y procedencia Rumania (Draft Directorial Resolution establishing mandatory phytosanitary requirements governing the importation of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) seed originating in and coming from Romania) Language(s): Spanish. Number of pages: 2

The notified draft phytosanitary requirements governing the importation into Peru of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) seed originating in and coming from Romania are being submitted for public consultation following the completion of the pest risk analysis.