PK Pakistan
  • 29 - Organische chemische Erzeugnisse
  • 34 - Seifen, organische grenzflächenaktive Stoffe, zubereitete Waschmittel, zubereitete Schmiermittel, künstliche Wachse, zubereitete Wachse, Putzmittel, Kerzen und ähnliche Erzeugnisse, Modelliermassen, Dentalwachse und Zubereitungen zu zahnärztlichen Zwecken

Shaving Cream PS: 3508 ICS No. 665.584.2

Shaving Cream PS: 3508 ICS No. 665.584.2 (14 page(s), in English)

This Pakistan Standard was adopted by the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority on 30-03-1994. After the draft finalized by the Cosmetic & Toilet Goods Technical Committee had been approved by the National Standard Committee.

This standard is intended chiefly to cover the technical provision relating to the supply of material & it does not include all the necessary provisions of a contract.

 Shaving creams of lather type are basically soaps composed of sodium and potassium stearates, mixed with water and glycerol to give a creamy soft texture.  Non-lather (brushless) shaving creams are as essentially oil-in-water emulsions: They usually consist of mineral oil emulsified in water with a stearate soap containing an excess of stearic acid.