MX Mexiko
  • 13 - Umwelt, Gesundheitsschutz, Sicherheit
  • 23 - Fluidsysteme und -bauteile

Pressure-relief valves

PROYECTO de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY-NOM-093-SCFI-2018, Válvulas de relevo de presión (seguridad, seguridad-alivio y alivio) operadas por resorte y piloto; fabricadas de acero y bronce (cancelará a la NOM-093-SCFI-1994) (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-093-SCFI-2018, Spring- and pilot-operated pressure-relief valves (safety, safety-relief and relief) made of steel and brass (cancelling Mexican Official Standard NOM-093-SCFI-1994) (111 pages, in Spanish)

Pressure-relief valves must comply with strict safety requirements in order to be considered highly reliable. To do so, they must comply with the relevant selection, design, material and manufacturing technical guidelines.

The emphasis on safety in this product ensures its reliable operation in the system it protects, which results in continued productivity and the protection of facilities, human lives and the environment.

These valves are the last safety device used in an emergency situation to prevent a disaster caused by excessive pressure.

The notified draft Mexican Official Standard applies to the various steel and/or bronze pressure-relief valves manufactured and/or marketed in the Mexico, whether domestic or imported. It establishes the minimum safety requirements, test methods and conformity assessments for pressure-relief valves.