MA Marokko
  • 01 - Lebende Tiere

Live animals

Projet de l'Arrêté du Ministre de l'Agriculture, de la Pêche Maritime, du Développement Rural et des Eaux et Forêts relatif aux mesures complémentaires et spéciales pour lutter contre la fièvre catarrhale ovine (Draft Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Marine Fisheries, Rural Development, Water Resources and Forestry on supplementary and special measures to combat bluetongue disease in sheep)

Bluetongue disease in sheep is a legally recognised contagious disease under the Dahir containing Law No. 1-75-292 of 19 September 1977 (5 chaoual 1397) on measures to protect domestic animals against contagious diseases. Pursuant to this Dahir, Morocco issued Ministerial Order No. 2018-01 of 5 November 2001 (19 chaabane 1422) on supplementary and special measures to combat the disease.

In view of OIE health recommendations concerning bluetongue in sheep, Morocco's status in respect of the disease (in circulation or risk of introduction of new serotypes), and the vaccination status of species susceptible to the disease, and in order to provide veterinary services with an up-to-date regulatory and technical tool that enables them to take proper action against bluetongue, it was deemed necessary to update existing regulations on the disease by further specifying:

-         the steps to be taken in the event of confirmation of a serotype already in circulation for which preventive mass vaccination is applied; and

-         the appropriate steps to be taken in the event of confirmation of a new serotype for which no preventive vaccination is applied. The notified Order will repeal and replace Ministerial Order No. 2018-01 of 5 November 2001 (19 chaabane 1422) on supplementary and special measures to combat bluetongue disease in sheep.