CO Kolumbien
  • 01 - Lebende Tiere
  • 03 - Fische, Krebstiere, Weichtiere und andere wirbellose Wassertiere
  • 07 - Gemüse, Pflanzen, Wurzeln und Knollen

Live animals (HS code: 01); Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates (HS code: 03); Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers (HS code: 07); Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons (HS code: 08)

Resolución 8389 del 12 de julio de 2023, "Por la cual se reglamentan las solicitudes y trámites de análisis de riesgos de plagas y enfermedades para la importación a Colombia de animales, vegetales, sus productos y otros artículos reglamentados" (Resolution No. 8389 of 12 July 2023 regulating the applications and procedures for the pest and disease risk analysis for the importation into Colombia of animals, plants, their by-products and other regulated articles) Language(s): Spanish. Number of pages: 6

Resolution No. 8389 of 12 July 2023:

ARTICLE 1. PURPOSE. Establish the requirements and procedure for applications for a pest and disease risk analysis for the importation into Colombia of animals, plants, their by-products and other regulated articles.

ARTICLE 2. SCOPE. The provisions laid down in the Resolution shall be applicable to all natural and legal persons interested in importing into Colombia animals, plants, their by-products and other regulated articles requiring a risk analysis.