IL Israel
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft
  • 85 - Elektrische Maschinen und Apparate und andere elektrotechnische Waren sowie Teile davon; Tonaufnahme- oder Tonwiedergabegeräte, Fernsehbild- und Fernsehtonaufzeichnungs- oder -wiedergabegeräte sowie Teile und Zubehör für diese Geräte

Electronic cigarettes (HS: 854370); (ICS: 65.160)

Pharmacist Regulations (Conditions for the Production and the Marketing of Electronic Cigarettes) 5778-2018 (1 page(s), in Hebrew)

New draft regulations announced by Israel's Ministry of Health called "Pharmacist Regulations (Conditions for the Production and the Marketing of Electronic Cigarettes) 5778-2018". These regulations prohibit the production and the marketing of electronic cigarettes and related products, exceeding 20mg/ml nicotine. This nicotine concentration restriction complies with the European Directive 2014/40/EU.

The regulations include the following:

·         Definitions for: electronic cigarettes, refill container and refill material (regulation 1);

·         Conditions for the production and the marketing of electronic cigarettes (regulation 2); Conditions for the refill material's packaging (regulation 3). This draft regulation requires that the marketing of the refill container and refill material, should be only in child-proof, break or leak-proof packaging.