IL Israel
  • 01 - Allgemeines, Terminologie, Normung, Dokumentation

All products and commodities subject to Mandatory Standards

Import and Export Decree (Import Groups), 5782-2022

The Minister of Economy and Industry had signed the Israel Import and Export Decree (Import Groups). This Decree replaces a previous publication as notified in G/TBT/N/ISR/1184, updates Israel's Import Groups Regime, and eases the conformity assessment requirements for imported products subject to Israel Mandatory Standards.

There are currently about 500 Mandatory Standards in Israel (excluding food) subject to this regulatory import regime. These standards are divided into four import groups according to the products' potential risk:

· Group 1 - Highest risk level: Requires type and shipment approvals;

· Group 2 - Intermediate risk level: Requires compliance with two conditions: Type approval and Importer's declaration of conformity for each shipment;

· Group 3 - Low level of danger: Requires only an importer's declaration of conformity for each shipment;

· Group 4 - Goods intended solely for industrial use: Requires prior exemption according to section (2)C(2) of the Free Import Decree.

The Decree was published and entered into force on 1 June 2022.

The commissioner of Standardization will publish an updated list of Mandatory Standards once a year, divided into the four Imports Groups.