IL Israel
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Food in general; (ICS: 67.040)

Protection of Public Health Regulations (Food) (Maximum levels of dioxin and PCBs compounds in foods) 5780-2020 (5 page(s), in Hebrew)

New draft regulations announced by Israel's Ministry of Health called "Protection of Public Health Regulations (Food) (Maximum levels of dioxin and PCBs compounds in foods) 5780-2020", that will replace relevant similar guidelines. These regulations set the maximum levels of dioxin and dioxin-like PCBs compounds in foods according to the European Regulations and the WHO. The TEFs (Toxic Equivalency Factors) are detailed in Annex 1 regulations 2 and 4.

Compliance will be tested in an Israeli laboratory approved by the Ministry of Health or in an international laboratory specialized in these tests that complies with the requirements specified in the Protection of Public Health Act (Food).

The Public Health Protection Act (Food) stipulates that any directive and procedure instruction of The National Food Service, setting out safety and quality requirements for food, published on the website on the eve of the commencement of this Act shall continue to apply and be regarded as "Food Regulations" until regulations are enacted to replace them.