IL Israel
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie
  • 20 - Zubereitungen von Gemüse, Früchten oder anderen Pflanzenteilen

Processed tomato concentrates; (HS: 2002); (ICS: 67.080.20)

SI 41 - Processed tomato concentrates (7 page(s), in English; 18 page(s), in Hebrew)

Revision of the Mandatory Standard SI 41, dealing with processed tomato concentrates. This draft standard revision adopts the Codex Standard 57: 1981, Revised in 2007, and 2017, with a few minor changes that appear in the standard's Hebrew section.

All sections in this standard will be compulsory after the entry into force of this new revision.

An older edition of SI 41 (May 1991) is still in effect under a transition period with the current edition (August 2019) until 17 November 2021. Should this revision be published before that date, then, Both the old standards and this new revised standard will apply from entry into force until 17 November 2021. During this time, products may be tested according to all three standard editions.