FR Frankreich
  • 13 - Umwelt, Gesundheitsschutz, Sicherheit

Products placed on the market for household use and subject to the principle of extended producer responsibility

Décret relatif à la signalétique d'information des consommateurs sur la règle de tri des déchets issus des produits soumis au principe de responsabilité élargie du producteur (Decree on consumer information symbols indicating the sorting rule for waste resulting from products subject to the principle of extended producer responsibility) (5 pages, in French)

The notified Decree lays down the conditions governing the application of the legislative provisions of the Environmental Code aimed at ensuring that any product placed on the market for household use and subject to the principle of extended producer responsibility, excluding household glass drinks packaging, is labelled with a symbol informing the consumer that this product is subject to a sorting rule and with information specifying the methods for sorting or depositing waste resulting from the product.

To that end, it specifies the procedures for applying Article L. 541-9-3 of the Environmental Code. It also sets out the conditions for the establishment of symbols to inform consumers that the products are subject to a deposit system, pursuant to Article L. 541-10-11 of the same Code.

The variability in the markings on products, including packaging, that relate to the sorting of waste resulting from these products hampers separate waste collection performance and the functioning of recycling schemes. It is therefore necessary to clarify consumer information on the rules for sorting waste resulting from products on sale, in order to harmonize the information available, promote understanding and facilitate citizen action.