DE Deutschland
  • 15 - Tierische und pflanzliche Fette und Öle; Erzeugnisse ihrer Spaltung; zubereitete Speisefette; Wachse tierischen oder pflanzlichen Ursprungs

KN-Code: 2710 12 41, KN-Code: 2710 12 45, KN-Code: 2710 12 49, KN-Code: 2710 12 50, KN Code: 2710 20 11, KN-Code: 2710 20 16, KN-Code: 2710 19 43, KN-Code: 2710 19 46, KN-Code: 2710 19 47, KN-Code: 3826 00 10, KN-Code: 3826 00 90, KN-Code 22 07, KN-Code 2711 11 00, KN-Codes: 2711 12 11 – 2711 19 00, KN Code: 2711 21 00, KN-Code 2711 29 00, KN Code 2804 10 00, HS: 1507 – 1518, KN Codes: 2710 19 62 – 2710 19 67.

Second Ordinance Amending the Ordinance on the Quality and Labelling of Fuels; (33 page(s), in German)

The Ordinance on the Quality and Labelling of Fuels (10th BImSchV), this ordinance sets - in respect of road vehicles, non-road mobile machinery (including inland waterway vessels when not at sea), agricultural and forestry tractors, and recreational craft when not at sea - technical specifications for fuels to be used with positive ignition and compression-ignition engines and labelling requirements for fuels. The ordinance applies especially to petrol, diesel fuels, gas oil, biodiesel, ethanol fuel, liquid petroleum gas, natural or bio gas as fuel, vegetable oil fuel, hydrogen and fuel oil.

Quality requirements for automotive B10 diesel and paraffinic diesel XTL have been implemented in the ordinance.

The ordinance will specify the labelling of fuels according to the relevant European standard. The quality requirements for transport fuels are updated to the latest state of the art by citing the latest version of DIN or CEN standards in the Ordinance on the Quality and Labelling of Fuels.

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