CR Costa Rica
  • 06 - Lebende Pflanzen und Waren des Blumenhandels

HS code 0602

Proyecto de Resolución para regular la plaga Aleurodicus destructor Mackie, 1912, en semillas de coco (Cocos nucifera) y en plantas para plantar (excepto semillas) de todos los hospedantes reportados y de todos los países en los que esté presente (Draft Resolution regulating the pest Aleurodicus destructor Mackie 1912 in coconut (Cocos nucifera) seeds and in plants for planting, excluding seeds, of all reported hosts and from all countries in which the pest is present) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 5

The notified draft Resolution establishes mandatory phytosanitary measures for the importation of coconut (Cocos nucifera) seeds and plants for planting (excluding seeds) of all reported hosts of the pest Aleurodicus destructor, from any country in which the pest is present.