CL Chile
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft

Raw hides and skins from bovine animals, horses, goats, sheep and swine

Fija exigencias sanitarias para la importación de cueros y pieles brutos de bovinos, equinos, caprinos, ovinos, porcinos a Chile y deroga las Resoluciones Exentas Nros. 2.732, 2.733 y 2.734 de 1994 y 3.833 de 2002 (Sanitary requirements for the importation into Chile of raw hides and skins from bovine animals, horses, goats, sheep and swine, and repeal of Exempt Resolutions Nos. 2.732, 2.733 and 2.734 of 1994 and 3.833 of 2002) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 4

The notified draft measure establishes health requirements governing the importation into Chile of raw hides and skins from bovine animals, horses, goats, sheep and swine:

1.    It considers that SAG recognizes the country's health authority with regard to a number of aspects;

2.    On the health status of the country or area of origin of the hides or skins in relation to the following diseases: foot-and-mouth disease, lumpy skin disease, African swine fever (ASF), classical swine fever (CSF), sheep pox and goat pox, peste des petits ruminants virus and anthrax;

3.    Treatment options are identified that products must undergo if they do not come from countries free from those diseases;

4.    Requirements for rearing, slaughtering, infrastructure and recognition of abattoirs and ante- and post-mortem inspection;

5.    Not contain elements other than hide or the products used in its preparation or treatment;

6.    It states that transport must be carried out in such a way as to ensure that health and hygiene conditions are maintained;

7.    Information to be contained in the official certificate issued by the health authority at the time of shipment;

8.    Requirements for checks and inspections of hides or skins on arrival in the country;

9.    Tanned, semi-tanned, wet-blue or pickled hides or skins of all species shall be exempt from inspection by SAG upon arrival at the corresponding border control, and health certification shall not be required.