CL Chile
  • 65 - Landwirtschaft
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Fresh and frozen fruit products for export

Establece el Sistema de Control Oficial de Inocuidad en la Cadena Agroalimentaria de los Productos Frutícolas Frescos y Congelados de Exportación y deroga Resolución Nº3.410/2002 (Establishment of the official system for the control of safety in the agri-food chain of fresh and frozen fruit products, and repeal of Resolution No. 3.410/2002) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 8

The purpose of the proposed text is to strengthen the Chilean safety system for fresh and frozen fruit products for export, through the establishment of specific and general requirements to be met by participants in the agri-food chain. These requirements include the performance of a hazard analysis and the implementation of a prerequisites programme based on these hazards, and the establishment of a provider control system to validate the protocols established in the GAP, HACCP and GMP systems, in order to comply with the certification as fit for human consumption.