CL Chile
  • 01 - Lebende Tiere

Laboratory rodents

Proyecto de Resolución que Fija exigencias sanitarias para la internación a Chile de roedores de laboratorio y Deroga Resolución N°809 de 2003 (Draft Resolution establishing health requirements governing the entry into Chile of laboratory rodents, and repealing Resolution No. 809 of 2003)

The notified Resolution establishes the health requirements governing the entry into Chile of laboratory rodents:

1.    Laboratory rodents imported into the country must be covered by an official certificate issued by the competent health authority in the country of origin. The certificate must specify the country, species, establishment of origin, number and identification of the animals (breed, sex, age, marks and brands), and the consignee and the identification of the means of transport.

2.    The animals must come from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) barrier colonies. The rodents must be frequently monitored and be free of clinical signs of viral diseases such as ectromelia, Sendai virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, California encephalitis virus, Argentine haemorrhagic fever (Junín virus) and Bolivian haemorrhagic fever (black typhus), and the following bacterial diseases: salmonella, tularemia, leptospirosis, pseudotuberculosis and rat-bite fever.

3.    The animals must come from colonies that are frequently monitored and are free of internal and external parasites that may affect laboratory rodents, including the following species: Polyplax serrata, Myobia musculi, Radfordia affinis, Myocoptes musculinus and Psorergates Simplex.

4.    The animals must have undergone external and internal antiparasitic treatment within the 30 days preceding the shipment.

5.    Upon shipment, the animals must not present with signs of disease or show evidence of external parasites.

6.    Transportation from the place of origin to the place of shipment must be carried out under official control in clean and disinfected vehicles, which must not enter into contact with animals that are not being exported.

7.    Importers shall demonstrate their status as research or diagnostic laboratories and meet the requirements that ensure the animals are properly looked after.

8.    Upon entry into the country, the exotic wildlife authorization resolution issued by the Renewable Natural Resources Division of the Agriculture and Livestock Service must be submitted, together with the health certificate.

9.    Where the species to be imported is included in the appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the requirements of this Convention and existing regulations on the matter must be met. 

10.   The notified text repeals Exempt Resolution No. 809 of 2003 of the Agriculture and Livestock Service establishing health requirements governing the entry into Chile of laboratory rodents.