CL Chile
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Gluten-free foods

Consulta Pública de Modificación del Decreto Supremo N°977/96, Ministerio de Salud, Reglamento Sanitario de los Alimentos, Artículo 516 y Otros Relacionados con la Rotulación Libre de Gluten (Public Consultation on Amendment to Supreme Decree No. 977/96, Ministry of Health, Food Health Regulations, Article 516 and others relating to gluten-free labelling) Directrices para un Programa de Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación para Elaboración de Alimentos Libres de Gluten (Guidelines for a programme of good manufacturing practices for the production of gluten-free foods) (8 pages, in Spanish; 7 pages, in Spanish)

On 18 August 2021, Law No. 21.362 amending various legal texts with a view to regulating the labelling, advertising and sale of gluten-free foods, and other provisions, was adopted.

The notified proposal seeks to address the implementation of the provisions indicated in the above-mentioned Law relating solely to the labelling of food products declared to be "gluten-free" and updates Supreme Decree No. 977/1996, Food Health Regulations (RSA) of the Ministry of Health of Chile, focussing primarily on the articles concerning the provisions on "gluten-free" labelling.

The document "Guidelines for a programme of good manufacturing practices for the production of gluten-free foods" has been produced to guide the development of the good manufacturing practices programmes required in the facilities that process gluten-free foods, whether or not for sale or consumption. This is part of the provisions of Article 2(b) of Law No. 21.362.