BD Bangladesch
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Food products

Draft Food Safety (Health Food/Dietary Supplements, Food for Special Dietary Use, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Prebiotic and Probiotic Food) Regulation, 2023. Language(s): English. Number of pages: 64

In accordance with the Food Safety Act 2013 (Act No. 43 of 2013), sections 13(2C), 31 and 87, the draft regulation is about food, specially processed or formulated for specific nutritional or dietary purposes rather than normal consumption. This regulation is developed bearing in mind the overall need for such standards for the broader categories based on Bangladesh's needs and in line with Codex Guidelines on "Guidelines for use of Nutrition and Health claims". Existing domestic regulations, international standards, and best practices have been reviewed meticulously. In this regulation, the name of the foods is categorized as Health Food/Food or Dietary supplements, Food for Special Dietary Uses (FSDU), Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP), Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods. There are different types of approved ingredients as applicable to different categories of foods as specified through Schedule I, II, and III. In Schedule IV there are different types of approved prebiotics and probiotics ingredients. Schedule V deals with additives and their maximum allowable limit.