AU Australien
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie

Fresh oriental melon and rockmelon fruit

Oriental melon and rockmelon fruit from Korea: biosecurity import requirements draft report.

The draft report proposes that the importation of commercially produced greenhouse-grown oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) and rockmelon fruit (Cucumis melo var. cantalupo) to Australia from all commercial production areas of the Republic of Korea be permitted, subject to a range of biosecurity requirements.

The draft report contains details of:

  • pests that are of biosecurity concern to Australia that are potentially associated with the importation of commercially produced greenhouse-grown oriental melon and rockmelon fruit from the Republic of Korea;
  • the risk assessments for the identified quarantine pests; 
  • the proposed risk management measures to reduce biosecurity risks to an acceptable level.