AR Argentinien
  • 67 - Lebensmitteltechnologie
  • 11 - Müllereierzeugnisse; Malz; Stärke; Inulin; Kleber von Weizen

Maize (corn) flour (HS 1102.20)

Proyecto de Resolución Conjunta "Código Alimentario Argentino - Capítulo IX "Alimentos Farináceos" - Arts. 694, 694 Bis, 695, 695 Bis, 695 Tris: Harina de Maíz" (Draft Joint Resolution "Argentine Food Code - Chapter IX 'Farinaceous foods' - Articles 694, 694 bis, 695, 695 bis, 695 tris: Maize (corn) flour") (5 pages, in Spanish)

The notified draft Resolution, prepared by the National Food Commission (CONAL), includes processing and labelling requirements for maize (corn) flour made from varieties that are grown and marketed in the country.